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The jesus cares outreach is an aggressive media initiative of champion ministries, dba groundwire. Chatnow and needhim aim to provide spiritual advice based on the teachings of the bible.

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Groundwire has a platinum standard rating from guide star which is the highest rating possible.

Ground wire jesus cares chat. Whether you just need to vent, get some advice, have someone pray with you, or find some answers to your spiritual questions edge cares is here for you 24/7. If you do not get through to someone straight away then it will probably be because their volunteers are already helping other people and can't take another conversation. One avenue to continue that growth is by connecting.

That means anyone that acknowledges what jesus did and seeks forgiveness will be saved. “sharing the compelling love of jesus with the masses has never been easier,” he says. Ad true belief in jesus christ.

Instead of reverting back to the traditional model where seekers and new. An extensive response team of 375 specially trained spiritual coaches spent 59,260 hours in 2019 answering all addition to their current media driving people to, during 2015 the organization launched the jesus cares campaign, a media outreach targeting millenials with the message when life hurts, jesus cares. Groundwire's desire is to always see a new believer grow in their new found faith in christ.

We are here to help those in need, those with questions, fears and worries. 100s of bible verses not heard in church. We share the love, word, and purpose of christ through our online chat, video discipleship and connection with local churches.

In just a few years their interruptions have been seen 220 million times. Groundwire is part of the jesus cares outreach, an aggressive media initiative of champion ministries. They are not professionally licensed to provide therapy for mental health disorders.

If you need to talk with someone, check out groundwire. The national office is in castle rock, colorado. The services are free and you can chat with a volunteer at a free cost.

100s of bible verses not heard in church. “technology offers amazing opportunities to minister to people all over the world.” groundwire has been working the videos and chats since 2006. Then in 2013, dunn aquired “” to drive audiences to the groundwire website and counselors.

Groundwire's goal is to win the lost to jesus christ. When we do that we are forgiven of our sins and god sees us just as he sees his perfect son. You can choose to ask jesus christ to forgive your sins and come in to your life as your lord and savior.

Groundwire is another website that provides help through christian volunteers. Sean dunn is the founder and president of groundwire. We are also a member of ecfa, excellence in giving, and others.

Using social media, videos and the website, sean dunn and his team at groundwire in castle rock, colorado, have been interrupting millennials and gen z as they search the web, watch videos and interact on facebook, with messages that invite them to chat online with a trained coach, anytime, day or night. So we each have a choice and option to put our faith in jesus and be saved. Through the jesus cares initiative, groundwire pursues millennials where they are and through the media they already consume.

Ad true belief in jesus christ. Picture a teenager or young adult watching cw, mtv or comedy central or listening to a popular radio station when a jesus cares ad interrupts her regularly scheduled programming and speaks directly to the needs of her heart. Chatnow provides people with the opportunity to chat live, anonymously and privately with one of needhim's christian volunteers, at any time of day or night.

The volunteers are available 24*7 and they encourage people through good listening skills and biblical. Jesus, who was perfect, died and then rose from the dead to defeat all sin. The founder, sean dunn, wanted to find ways to leverage media and technology to share the love of jesus christ with youth and young adults.

The volunteers are trained to be coaches; Founded in 1995 as part of champion ministries, groundwire utilizes various forms of media to engage the culture with the gospel. Groundwire offers christian coaching via volunteers who devote their time to chat with those in need for free.

“lord jesus, i believe you are the. Chat annonomus (groundwire facebook chat) on december 22, 2016 december 22, 2016 by tombeetlebailey in uncategorized the groundwire coaches are not licensed therapists or counselors. Groundwire to launch jesus cares campaign in colorado springs.

The jesus cares campaign is an initiative for specific cities (partnering with local churches and business leaders) and national buys. If you want to accept christ and turn from your sins, you can ask him to be your savior and lord by praying this prayer. We believe in the importance of church where people can become part of a spiritual family and worship jesus and learn more about him.

It is part of the jesus cares outreach which is a media initiative by champion ministries. You can chat with a christian coach free of charge.